
10 Minutes of Daily Mobility

Strength training workouts are awesome. We get stronger, put on muscle and feel great. But what happens when all that strength isn’t able to move well? As we age, if we don’t use our joints in all ranges of motion, we lose that range of motion. Now strength training has a higher risk of injury and we have to be very careful with how we move our bodies. A lot of people hide poor mobility by choosing exercises that are in one plane of movement and don’t replicate real life (where things actually go wrong). We all need daily mobility in our joints and I’m dedicated to getting that message out to anyone that wants to move well as they age and not feel restricted to specific activities or exercises. Check out the video below, where I take you through six movements that target the hip and thoracic spine. In this video I go through: Lunge with overhead reach Cossack squats Leopard crawl T-Spine opener Pigeon to downward dog Frog    

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